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General English




Prepare today for a greater tomorrow

​New version of Cambridge English: Proficiency from 2013

In 2013 (the 100th anniversary of the launch of Cambridge English: Proficiency) Cambridge ESOL will be introducing a new revised version of the exam. This new version is the result of a comprehensive review of the exam completed over a number of years.


Cambridge English: Proficiency

Cambridge English: Proficiency is set at Level C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Anyone achieving a C2 level will be able to study demanding subjects at the highest levels, including postgraduate and PhD programmes, will be able to engage in academic life by participating confidently in tutorials and seminars, lead on complex and challenging research projects and will be able to negotiate and persuade effectively at senior management level in international business settings. At this level you have achieved an exceptional level.

At this mastery level a candidate has to demonstrate that he/she understands the main ideas of complex pieces of writing, documents, correspondence and reports, including the finer points of these writings. A C2 level candidate is expected to advise on or talk about complex or sensitive issues, understanding colloquial references and dealing confidently with hostile questions and he/she must be able to write on any subject and take full notes of meetings or seminars with good expression and accuracy.

We offer intensive and annual courses for Cambridge English: Proficiency and our aim is to ensure give you these kinds of practical language skills to pass at this level.


Cambridge English: Proficiency, also known as Certificate of Proficiency  in English (CPE), is our most advanced exam, for learners who have achieved an extremely high level of skill in the English language.


How do I enrol?​

If you are a school wanting to make a bulk enrolment please contact for procedures and guidance.
If you are an individual candidate please complete the application form and follow guidelines stipulated in the regulations.




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